To support ex-members of the RUC GC, police widows, dependants, injured and disabled police officers, as well as members of the PSNI who find themselves experiencing financial hardship or difficulty. In all instances, a case of need must be identified.
The charity provides intensive physiotherapy, recuperation and complementary treatments for injured and ill police officers with the aim of improving their health and wellbeing. The PTC also provides a comprehensive psychological well-being programme which provides support for stress related conditions.
Every day the police find themselves in harm’s way protecting the public. We're the organisation serving and former police officers and staff, volunteers, and their families, can turn to when things get tough.
Local Voluntary Welfare Groups
To offer all eligible ex-members, their spouses and widows the opportunity to meet informally within their local area and avail of the facilities offered with regard to welfare and social issues by their group or other agencies such as the RUC GC – PSNI Benevolent Fund.
Police Rehabilitation and Retraining Trust
The Police Rehabilitation and Retraining Trust exists to assist retired and retiring officers to recognise their potential, identify opportunities, set and achieve their objective and enjoy optimum mental and physical wellbeing beyond policing.
We enable clients to achieve their goals by providing:
• Psychological Therapies
• Physiotherapy
• Personal Development and Training
Northern Ireland Retired Police Officers’ Assoc.
The role of the organisation is “Improving the Lives of Retired Police Officers in Northern Ireland”.
Disabled Police Officers’ Association NI
Membership is open to all members who have suffered serious injury whilst on duty with the RUC/PSNI or as a result of their service. The admission criteria are Injury on Duty assessed at 35% - Industrial Injuries 20% - all applicants must produce documentary evidence of injury at the time of application.
The Foundation was created by virtue of Section 70 of the Police (NI) Act 2000 for the purpose of ‘marking the sacrifices and honouring the achievements of the Royal Ulster Constabulary’.
The role of the Fund is to provide care and financial assistance to police officers and ex-officers who have been injured or disabled as a direct result of terrorism, and to the widows, widowers and families of police officers killed or injured through terrorism. This includes PSNI officers who may be killed or injured in the future in this way.
We support our clients through our schemes which are designed to enable them to enjoy a quality of life in their home and make a positive long-term impact on their circumstances.
Wounded Police and Families Association
To offer support, encouragement and empathy to all those who are victims of terrorism and as our motto says 'Healing Through Caring, Recognition and Justice' we are committed to working for those officers and their families who have been entered into the book of forgotten sacrifices to be given the recognition they deserve.