PFNI says it’s ‘time to move on’

PFNI says it’s ‘time to move on’

4 years ago Members News

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland has said it is time to move on following the decision by the Chief Constable not to go ahead with one part of a re-branding exercise that would have changed the PSNI badge.

PFNI Chair, Mark Lindsay, said: “In our pre-consultation phase, we saw merit and value in much of what was proposed. At the heart of what was set out was a desire to simplify and modernise PSNI branding.

“The pre-consultation was open and transparent. One element, however, subsequently received some push-back. The Chief Constable has reacted promptly to acknowledge and address the concerns that were expressed.

“It is now time to move on from here. In our view, this does not take away from the worthwhile goal of modernising the look of the service. For example, work on uniforms and vehicles must proceed as it will benefit officers in a meaningful and practical way.

“The Chief Constable has listened and acted promptly and we share his desire to do what is best for the PSNI and the full range of services officers provide this entire community.”

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