Holiday Pay Update - April 2021

Holiday Pay Update - April 2021

3 years ago Holiday Pay

By way of update the Respondent (PSNI) have approached the legal representatives of all claimants with a view to entering into a formal mediation process to see if a resolution can be achieved in all the holiday pay claims. The advantage being that it would negate a full hearing where there is always a risk involved.

The Federation have consented to join in this mediation process on behalf of all claimants that we are acting for. Therefore a mediator is to be appointed as soon as possible, and by no later than 1st June.

All legally represented parties will engage in a preliminary mediation event (whether in person or by electronic means) on a date to be agreed and to take place as soon as possible. This preliminary event would set out a programme of work for the mediation process, which would commence in September 2021.

PFNI have agreed to a formal legal letter being sent to the Supreme Court requesting permission a postponement of the substantive appeal in order to facilitate the mediation to proceed.

PFNI are hopeful that this route will benefit all claimants. If a satisfactory resolution is not achieved the hearing will have to be reconvened.

PFNI will continue keep you all updated on any progress.

L J Kelly - Secretary

Police Federation for Northern Ireland


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