PFNI appeals to parents over street violence

PFNI appeals to parents over street violence

6 months ago Members News

PFNI appeals to parents over street violence

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland is urging parents to ensure their children are not being caught up in violent street unrest after ten officers were injured in Derry/Londonderry on Saturday night.

PFNI Chair Liam Kelly said: “What we saw was PSNI vehicles being petrol bombs by children. Officers absorbed a wave of attacks and followed a methodical approach in how they dealt with the onslaught.

“Children should not be taking part in street disturbances. Their parents have a responsibility to keep them safe and away from violent disorder. What I have to ask is where were their parents? Why weren’t they taking their children away from the flashpoint where they could have been seriously hurt? What we witnessed on Saturday was parental abdication and that is appalling.

“Ten officers were injured in the trouble. They were the focal point of petrol-bombing children and older people and the pawns of faceless criminals who pull the strings from a safe distance.

“I appeal to parents to not let their children get caught up in this mindless violence. They have to realise the consequences when they are apprehended and convicted in the Courts.

'‘To our colleagues, I say well done for showing such professionalism and patience during hours of being targeted so viciously.”


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