PFNI welcome finding in Ballynahinch fatal shooting

PFNI welcome finding in Ballynahinch fatal shooting

11 months ago Members News

PFNI welcome finding in Ballynahinch fatal shooting

The Police Federation for Northern Ireland (PFNI) has welcomed a finding by a Coroner that the officer involved in a fatal shooting in Ballynahinch eighteen years ago genuinely believed his life was in danger.

The Judge found that the officer’s use of lethal force was ‘proportionate’ and ‘no more than was absolutely necessary.’

PFNI Chair, Liam Kelly, said: “The loss of life in this incident is deeply regretted. A family still mourns and no judicial process will diminish their sense of loss.

“The Coroner found that the officer’s belief that his life was in danger was genuine, reasonable and honestly held. This outcome will come as great relief to the individual involved who was assisted at every stage in this protracted process by the Police Federation for Northern Ireland.

“This finding by the coroner is in marked contrast to the findings and recommendations of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland’s following their related investigation that was conducted in 2011. There was quite rightly no criminal or misconduct outcome for the principal officer in this case. Not for the first time has the findings of the Office of the PONI been so starkly contradicted in a court.

“Clearly, there are further questions for the PONI as to how their investigators came to the original conclusions they did. The Ombudsman should use this particular finding as an opportune time to reflect and take a long, hard look at how her office goes about its work.”

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