Dissident republican terrorists who mounted three separate attempts to murder PSNI Officers in Derry-Londonderry this week have been described as ‘a pitiless, heartless bunch of cowards’ by the head of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland.
6 years TerrorismThe Police Federation for Northern Ireland has described as ‘an act of pure evil’ attempts made on the lives of Officers in the Bogside last night.
6 years TerrorismThe Police Federation for Northern Ireland has welcomed the ‘ground-breaking and historic’ appointment of PSNI Deputy Chief Constable, Drew Harris, to the post of Garda Commissioner.
6 years Members NewsThe Chair of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland says it would be ‘a disrespectful and a shameful act of betrayal’ to link the names of Officers with those of the terrorists in the debate on legacy.
6 years Members NewsThe Police Federation for Northern Ireland has called on all political parties to speak with one voice to condemn the dissident republicans behind the intimidation of the families of serving Officers in Londonderry. PFNI Chair Mark Lindsay said: “These actions are reprehensible and cowardly. They are attempts to intimidate, bully and terrorise and all of us – politicians, community and police – must stand up to these mindless thugs.
6 years TerrorismThe Police Federation for Northern Ireland has said that petrol bomb attacks on the PSNI in the Creggan were attempts to maim or kill Officers.
6 years TerrorismThe Police Federation for Northern Ireland has lodged a claim with the Pay Review Body for a top-line increase of 5.4%. The pay submission is described as ‘fair, reasonable and balanced based on economic evidence’ by PFNI Chairperson, Mark Lindsay.
6 years Pay ReviewThe Police Federation for Northern Ireland has said the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (OPONI) has serious questions to answer over a failed Court case against two Officers.
7 years ResourcesAny proposals to further cut the PSNI budget have been described as ‘reckless and irresponsible’ by the Police Federation for Northern Ireland.
7 years ResourcesPolice Officers in Northern Ireland are still waiting for an agreement on a pay rise to be implemented by the Department of Justice.
7 years Pay Review